7 summits by Microlight

Talks & presentations
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Post flight analysis
15 Jan 2006, All done
6 Jan 2006, Highest tow yet
5 Jan 2006, Rivadavia
30 Dec 2005, Summit
25 Dec 2005, Feliz Navidad
15 Dec 2005, We have a convoy
17 Dec 2005, Desvio Las Lenas
14 Dec 2005, We are on our way
10 Dec 2005, The flight from hell
3 Dec 2005, Where we are going
17 Nov 2005, FIAT Wind Tunnel
1 Dec 2005, Kit is away
1 Jan 2005, 3rd place Best of ExplorersWeb 2004 Awards
24 May 2004, Summited Mt Everest
4 Feb 2005, RAeC Awards
Analysis to 96h
Satellite IR
SIGWX Argentina
WINTEM 24hr at FL230
WINTEM 36hr at FL240
WINTEM 36hr at FL300
Advance base Camp
El Juncal, Chile
Punta de Vacas
RMH pilot CV


News release: 14 Dec 2005, We are on our way






It's late and I've been laboring away all day getting everything ready and we're off first thing tomorrow morning so I've decided to let pictures speak 1000 words and be brief.

I arrived at the weekend so there was little to be done and our stuff was still in Frankfurt. Amazingly, since Monday, not only has it all arrived but it's out of customs, loaded up on our FIAT vans and we're ready to leave for the 1100 Km drive across South America to Mendoza tomorrow morning. Just as well really as all the team is here including mountain guide, photographer, doctor and film crew and everyone's ready to go.

You can eat jolly well here in Buenos Aires, they do meat, BIG meat, and with a few beers the bill is less than £10. The best one we found is called Desnivel, it was so good we went back the next night. Superb!

There are two things they do in Argentina better than anyone else: Polo and Tango. The all Argentine Polo final was on the day I arrived so I didn't get to go (tickets were apparently sold out months before anyway) but on Sunday evening, in a little square round the corner from Desnivel people were dancing the Tango. The sound system may have kept breaking down but nobody seemed to mind too much. It was a really great thing to see, nothing artificial at all, perhaps most astonishing was the mix of people, grandpa's dancing with girls their granddaughter's age, punks with their grannys, and everybody was really good at it.

The traffic here is a bit mad, but I've seen worse; they do seem to stop quite reliably on red lights and things. In a taxi this afternoon we were waiting at a red light when there was suddenly a terrific screeching of tyres and the car next to us suddenly leapt into the air and ended up facing the other way, a guy had just run very hard into the back of him. Several other cars ended up also being quite seriously damaged in the incident. My driver couldn't stop thanking his lucky stars for the rest of the journey that his car came out of it completely unscathed.

Looking for a road map, I chanced upon what must be the best book shop in Buenos Aires; The Athena. Even if you didn't want to buy a book it's worth visiting just to see it; it's an old Edwardian era theater complete with balconies and a huge painting on the ceiling. The stage is a restaurant, the upper circle is educational books and you pay in the box offices. I got a good road map and the 'Adventure Guide to Argentina'. I haven't had time yet to really look at it.

It's a great city, Buenos Aires, but I shall be glad to be on my way tomorrow.

The FIAT group
Outdoor sport professionals choose Ferrino to help them meet fresh challenges
ICARO 2000 Hang Gliding World Champion
ALPHA emergency parachute
P&M AVIATION; UK dealer for Warp Drive Propellors
O-ZEE flight suits.  Suppliers of Bar-mitts to the expedition.
Neltec flexible heaters to keep Angelo's nosecone clear
Articole Studios - GRP mouldings
BAILEY AVIATION manufacturers of Paramotors and automotive sport acessories
P&M AVIATION manufacturers of fine microlight Aircraft
PARAMINA; Suppliers of Oxygen equipment to the expedition
P&M AVIATION manufacturers of fine microlight Aircraft
Survival Equipment Services Ltd, Suppliers of ELT to the expedition.
SKYDRIVE, the UK Distributor of ROTAX engines
Gerbings heated clothing
AV8 Systems video gear
FLYCOM Intercom and Radio equipment
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Page last reviewed
14 Dec 2005
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