News release: 1 Dec 2005, Kit is away |

 | After several frantic days getting everything together at last
everything is in crates and barrels and it left this evening on a truck.
The crates are the same one we used to send our stuff to Nepal, one
with the trike and one with the trolley.
This time we're only taking one of our Bailey Aviation built 'super
trolleys' as we will not be needing to porter stuff up and down
mountains like we did in Nepal. In fact I hope the whole expedition will
be logistically much easier than the Everest trip.
The wing suffered most abuse last time so now it is in a 300mm x 6m
plastic drainage pipe, superb protection from the most violent of
forklift drivers, and it's suprisingly light for what it is but it still
doubles the weight of the thing.
It all seems to be taking rather a circuitous route. First to Feltham,
near London to be loaded onto a bigger truck to take it to Milan by
monday. There, my stuff will meet up with Angelo's glider and all the
camping kit which is coming from Sicily.
From Milan it will then all go on another truck to Frankfurt, finally
to meet a freight plane to Buenos Aires.
Angelo arrives there several days before I do. Theoretically he should
have got everything out of customs by the time I arrive....
We will see.