Competition and Event fees

Updated 11th May 2004

Pilot registration fee £50 (includes camping fee) – if paid before end of April.

                         £55 after May 1st.


Non competitor flying or non flyers, but including free camping, fee £20 (per family for the event)


Non competitor flying (day visitor only)  £5

Non flying daily visitors and spectators: FREE


Trade stands  £50


Pilots please register online at and please also visit where you will find full, up to date details, of the event.  We would ask that you do register as soon as possible, and pay in advance, as it helps us enormously with both planning and cash flow.  (We have to book facilities, which costs us money and there isn’t a magic pot of gold available to us!)


Payments  -   If you wish to pre-pay using online banking facilities please use the following details: 


Account Name               UK Paramotoring Nationals

                                    Sort code                     40-37-50

                                    Account number            30001414


For overseas visitors you need the IBAN code:


                                    GB46MIDL 403750 30001414 (the last figures being the Account No.)


Then please send a short email with your details to enable us to send a receipt.



Or post a cheque to       Peter Sharma
2 The White House
Broad St.


Make cheque payable to UK Paramotoring Nationals.

                                    Write your name & address on the reverse please.

                                    A receipt will be sent when the cheque has cleared.



Page last reviewed
11 May 2004

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