The UK PPG Comps committee thank the following sponsors who have kindly made a donation in support of the competition.












Camping at the Nats

* free for competitors

* free for free flyers

* free for marshalls and helpers

But even if you don’t fall in to any of the above categories you are still welcome to camp on site if you simply want to come along to spectate and enjoy the fun. However there will be a small daily camping/parking fee of £5.  This is to help cover the costs to hire things like the field, port-a-loos, water, rubbish disposal etc.

We will have a field café, and evening or wet weather talks about Paramotoring and associated interesting topics.

We regret that there will be no mains hookup so don’t forget to bring plenty of batteries, or generators if you need it. You may also need a water carrier!


If you need a B&B or Hotel then try the local online tourist information site or call 01386 853790

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