The UK PPG Comps committee thank the following sponsors who have kindly made a donation in support of the competition.











Onsite water facilities

Due to the lack of a mains water supply at this years site we will be providing water using bowsers.  However the suppliers from whom we have rented this equipment cannot guarantee that water contained within the bowsers is 100% drinkable.  The Comps Committee is therefore recommending that bottled water is pre-purchased and brought along for drinking.  The onsite catering supplier may also have some available for resale.

Showers - last year these proved astronomically expensive to provide and run and also require mains water supply.  This year we have arranged for individuals to be able to use the facilities at the local leisure centre just a couple of miles down the road near Tetbury.  A small charge will be made per person by the leisure centre. Information on how to find the Centre will be on the site notice board.

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