The UK PPG Comps committee thank the following sponsors who have kindly made a donation in support of the competition.












All pilots please take note: carrying a reserve will be mandatory at the 2007 UK Championships.

In 2006 the Committee made a decision that, for the sake of safety, reserves should be carried during the UK Championships. Whilst it was only advisory in 2006 the Rules also clearly stated that in 2007 they would be mandatory. We felt it was fair to give everyone 12 months notice.

There are other notes on this web site stating that reserves will be required, both within the Pilots Check list doc and the 2007 Rules & Regs.  But we do not wish to have to turn away any pilot for not having this equipment with him or her so it was felt that a separate note on the web site would, hopefully, be read by all pilots whether competing or free flying.

Thank you for co-operating.

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