

Task 1, Precision takeoff & landing

Task 2, Pure Navigation

Task 3, Speed triangle and out & return

Task 4, Fast / Slow

Task 5, Kicking Sticks

Task 6, Navigation, precision & speed

Task 7, Endurance

Task 8, Kicking Sticks

Final scores


Comment & pix Task 7

The standard task with 2 litres of fuel. 2 problems encountered:

  1. Ramon MORILLAS flew over the deck some 8 minutes after takeoff with one of his brake lines trailing behind the canopy. On safety grounds alone, the Director gave him immediate permission to land and his penalty (for landing after 5 minutes) was to start the clock again when he took off for the second time.
  2. Sergei POTEHKINE fell over on takeoff and got his right arm in the propellor. The ambulance took him to Kecskemet hospital and after an X-ray it was found that the bone was not broken. Sergei was back on the airfield later that day with a very sore arm and a lot of stitches. He did not fly any more in the competition.

Inter team fuelling again went very well

Ramon MORILLAS takes off for the second time.

The beautiful people relax after the soaring task.

Timekeepers hard at work.

French team members wondering if Phillippe JEORGEAGUET is ever going to come down!